Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! On Saturday morning, Daddy and I went to Krispy Kreme for doughnuts, then to the library after that.

I got to play at the park next door to the library for a minute while we were at the library.

I climbed all the way to the top of these monkey bars!

On Memorial Day, we went to the pool with Mrs. Stacy, Mr. Chris and Noah. We played in the pool and ate lunch there. It was a good time!

I love swimming!!

Noah and Mr. Chris

Mrs. Stacy and me

Daddy and me

Mommy and me ...
This picture is funny because my eyes are closed, and Mommy was really cold in the pool water and she didn't want to put her top-half in. :)

Noah, Mrs. Stacy and Mr. Chris

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Buddy Lane's Cowboy Birthday Party

I recently went to my buddy Lane's cowboy birthday party. He had two ponies in his backyard! His birthday isn't until September, but he had a double 5-year-old birthday party with his cousin Bennett. It was so much fun!

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Friday Treat at Yogurt Mountain

Mother's Day Activities

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating mothers at our house. Grandmommy was in town for the week, and that made it super-special.

We had "Muffins with Mommies" in my class, and Mommy came down to share some time with me in my classroom. At the same time, we were sharing some of our artwork from the year, and Mommy got to see it.

Pointing to my cherry blossoms artwork
My cherry blossoms artwork

My ladybug artwork
Mommy and me - I gave her a pretty heart necklace that I made at school.

Mommy, me and Grandmommy on Mother's Day
Daddy, Mommy, me and Grandmommy
Granddaddy, me and Grandmommy
What else do you do when you're waiting an hour for a table at Olive Garden? - Photo shoot!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cherub Choir Performance

Tonight, we had our end-of-the-year Cherub Choir performance at church. Grandmommy, Granddaddy, Great Grandmama, Great Aunt Carmen, Mommy and Daddy all came to watch me. We ate dinner together at church, then we had my performance.

Reese Waving at Choir Performance

Reese Singing "Jesus Loves Me"

Reese Singing "I've Got Joy" (coming soon)