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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cousins and Father's Day

On Father's Day weekend, our cousins came over to meet Baby Wynn. We enjoyed seeing them and sharing Father's Day with our family.

Uncle Bill and Wynn
Olivia and Wynn

Nicholas and Wynn

Sophia and Wynn

Reese was rubbing her face on Uncle Bill's beard.

Silly Reese!

Grandmommy and Aunt Heather (at Jason's Deli)


Reese, Mommy and Wynn

Sophia and Reese

Reese and Olivia

Uncle Bill and Reese

Nicholas and Reese

Aunt Alex and Reese

Aunt Heather and Reese

Granddaddy and Reese

Our family on Father's Day
Daddy and his Girls

Mommy and the Girls

Baby Wynn

The Collier Cousins:
Olivia, Wynn, Nicholas, Sophia and Reese

Aunt Alex and Wynn

Papa Tom and the Grandkids

Wynnie in Pink PJ's

Reese and Daddy ... Out and About

Reese and Daddy like to go out and about on Saturdays. After a little umbrella time in the driveway, they went to the pet store and Walmart. Who knew what fun they would find?!

Yes, this is Reese holding a rat (?!?!).

And here she is holding a ferret.

Reese as Thor

Reese as Captain America

Reese as Green Lantern

Loving on Wynn